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Writing Plugins


Please note that this documentation page is currently undergoing finalization and improvements

Vedro is designed with an event-driven architecture, making it highly extensible and customizable. The event-based nature of Vedro plugins allows developers to tap into various points in the testing process and execute custom actions based on specific events.

In an event-driven system, components communicate with each other through events, which are essentially notifications that represent a change in the system's state or occurrence of an action. When an event occurs, any subscribed listener receives a notification and can react accordingly.

Plugin Structure

A typical Vedro plugin consists of a class that inherits from Plugin and implements the subscribe method. This method takes a Dispatcher as an argument and registers the plugin's event listeners.

Here's an example of a basic plugin structure:

# ./
from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, PluginConfig

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:

class Custom(PluginConfig):
plugin = CustomPlugin

Registering the Plugin

To enable the custom plugin in your Vedro application, you need to add it to the configuration file:

# ./
import vedro
import custom_plugin

class Config(vedro.Config):

class Plugins(vedro.Config.Plugins):

class Custom(custom_plugin.Custom):
enabled = True

Plugin Lifecycle

Vedro plugins can listen to various events that occur during the test execution lifecycle. The following diagram shows the sequence of events:

/ \
ScenarioSkippedEvent ScenarioRunEvent
| |
| StepRunEvent
| / \
| StepPassedEvent StepFailedEvent
| | |
| ScenarioPassedEvent ScenarioFailedEvent
\ \ /
\ /
\ /

Listening to Events

To make your plugin listen to specific events, you need to implement the appropriate event listeners within the subscribe method. The following sections provide examples for each event.


The ConfigLoadedEvent is triggered when the configuration is loaded. You can use this event to access the loaded configuration.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, PluginConfig, ConfigType
from import ConfigLoadedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ConfigLoadedEvent, self.on_config_loaded)

def on_config_loaded(self, event: ConfigLoadedEvent) -> None:
config: ConfigType = event.config
print("config", config)


The ArgParseEvent is fired when command-line arguments are being parsed. Use this event to add custom command-line arguments to your plugin.

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin
from import ArgParseEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ArgParseEvent, self.on_arg_parse)

def on_arg_parse(self, event: ArgParseEvent) -> None:
arg_parser: ArgumentParser = event.arg_parser
arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--custom", help="custom arg")
print("on_arg_parse", arg_parser)


The ArgParsedEvent occurs after command-line arguments have been parsed. Use this event to access the parsed arguments.

from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin
from import ArgParseEvent, ArgParsedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ArgParseEvent, self.on_arg_parse) \
.listen(ArgParsedEvent, self.on_arg_parsed)

def on_arg_parse(self, event: ArgParseEvent) -> None:
arg_parser: ArgumentParser = event.arg_parser
arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--custom", help="custom arg")
print("on_arg_parse", arg_parser)

def on_arg_parsed(self, event: ArgParsedEvent) -> None:
args: Namespace = event.args
print("on_arg_parsed", args.custom)


The StartupEvent is triggered at the beginning of the test execution. Use this event to perform any required setup or initialization.

from typing import List
from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, VirtualScenario
from import StartupEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(StartupEvent, self.on_startup)

def on_startup(self, event: StartupEvent) -> None:
scenarios: List[VirtualScenario] = event.scenarios
print("on_startup", scenarios)


The ScenarioSkippedEvent is fired when a scenario is skipped. Use this event to perform any required actions when a scenario is skipped.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, ScenarioResult
from import ScenarioSkippedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ScenarioSkippedEvent, self.on_scenario_skipped)

def on_scenario_skipped(self, event: ScenarioSkippedEvent) -> None:
scenario_result: ScenarioResult = event.scenario_result
print("on_scenario_skipped", scenario_result)


The ScenarioRunEvent is triggered when a scenario starts running. Use this event to perform any required actions when a scenario starts.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, ScenarioResult
from import ScenarioRunEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ScenarioRunEvent, self.on_scenario_run)

def on_scenario_run(self, event: ScenarioRunEvent) -> None:
scenario_result: ScenarioResult = event.scenario_result
print("on_scenario_run", scenario_result)


The ScenarioPassedEvent is fired when a scenario passes. Use this event to perform any required actions when a scenario passes.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, ScenarioResult
from import ScenarioPassedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ScenarioPassedEvent, self.on_scenario_passed)

def on_scenario_passed(self, event: ScenarioPassedEvent) -> None:
scenario_result: ScenarioResult = event.scenario_result
print("on_scenario_passed", scenario_result)


The ScenarioFailedEvent is triggered when a scenario fails. Use this event to perform any required actions when a scenario fails.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, ScenarioResult
from import ScenarioFailedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ScenarioFailedEvent, self.on_scenario_failed)

def on_scenario_failed(self, event: ScenarioFailedEvent) -> None:
scenario_result: ScenarioResult = event.scenario_result
print("on_scenario_failed", scenario_result)


The StepRunEvent is fired when a step starts running. Use this event to perform any required actions when a step starts.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, StepResult
from import StepRunEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(StepRunEvent, self.on_step_run)

def on_step_run(self, event: StepRunEvent) -> None:
step_result: StepResult = event.step_result
print("on_step_run", step_result)


The StepPassedEvent is triggered when a step passes. Use this event to perform any required actions when a step passes.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, StepResult
from import StepPassedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(StepPassedEvent, self.on_step_passed)

def on_step_passed(self, event: StepPassedEvent) -> None:
step_result: StepResult = event.step_result
print("on_step_passed", step_result)


The StepFailedEvent is fired when a step fails. Use this event to perform any required actions when a step fails.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, StepResult
from import StepFailedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(StepFailedEvent, self.on_step_failed)

def on_step_failed(self, event: StepFailedEvent) -> None:
step_result: StepResult = event.step_result
print("on_step_failed", step_result)


The ScenarioReported event is triggered after each individual scenario has ended. This event occurs regardless of whether the scenario passed, failed, or was skipped. It provides a AggregatedResult object, which contains the results of the scenario that has just completed.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, AggregatedResult
from import ScenarioReportedEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(ScenarioReportedEvent, self.on_scenario_reported)

def on_scenario_reported(self, event: ScenarioReportedEvent) -> None:
aggregated_result: AggregatedResult = event.aggregated_result
print("aggregated_result", aggregated_result)


The CleanupEvent is triggered at the end of the test execution. Use this event to perform any required cleanup or finalization.

from vedro.core import Dispatcher, Plugin, Report
from import CleanupEvent

class CustomPlugin(Plugin):
def subscribe(self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) -> None:
dispatcher.listen(CleanupEvent, self.on_cleanup)

def on_cleanup(self, event: CleanupEvent) -> None:
report: Report =
print("on_cleanup", report)


In this documentation, we've covered the basics of writing plugins for Vedro. By understanding the plugin structure, registering the plugin, and listening to various events in the test execution lifecycle, you can extend and customize Vedro to suit your specific needs.

For more inspiration and examples of plugins, visit the page.