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Vedro Telemetry

vedro-telemetry is an external Vedro plugin that enables saving telemetry events to your own self-hosted server.

It's useful for teams with multiple projects to monitor and analyze their test suites across different projects in a centralized manner. By collecting telemetry data, teams can gain insights into test performance and detect areas that need improvement.


After installation and configuration, you can access several dashboards in your self-hosted Grafana instance. These dashboards provide visualizations based on the telemetry data collected from your test runs.

1. Project Overview

  • Description: A list of projects with Python and Vedro versions.
  • Purpose: Useful for tracking projects that use outdated Python versions or older versions of the Vedro framework.
  • Benefit: Ensures all projects are up-to-date and compatible with the latest features and security updates.

2. Scenario Count

  • Description: A list of projects with the count of total scenarios.
  • Purpose: Useful for monitoring the growth of test suites over time and understanding the scale of testing efforts across projects.
  • Benefit: Helps teams assess testing efforts and identify projects that may need more tests.

3. Plugin Usage

  • Description: Displays the plugins used across different projects and the number of projects using each plugin.
  • Purpose: Helps in understanding the common tools and plugins utilized within the team.
  • Benefit: Promotes standardization and identifies potential needs for plugin updates or replacements.

4. Startup Time

  • Description: A list of projects with the median and average time to the first significant line of the test.
  • Purpose: Useful for measuring the startup time of tests.
  • Benefit: Indicates the efficiency of test setup or highlights potential bottlenecks in test initialization.

5. Plugin Adoption

  • Description: A list of projects with all enabled plugins (including their versions).
  • Purpose: Useful for tracking the adoption of specific tools like Allure (if vedro-allure-reporter is enabled) or vedro-git-changed to combat flaky tests (plugin targets changed tests to help detect flakiness early).
  • Benefit: Helps teams monitor which plugins are being used across projects, ensuring consistency and aiding in the adoption of useful tools.


  1. Set Up Self-Hosted Telemetry Server

    Before using the plugin, you need to set up your own telemetry server to collect and store the telemetry data. Instructions on how to set up a self-hosted telemetry server can be found in the Vedro Telemetry Server documentation.

  2. Install the Plugin

    Install the vedro-telemetry plugin using the following command:

    $ vedro plugin install vedro-telemetry
  3. Configure the Plugin

    Configure the api_url to point to your telemetry server in your configuration file:

    import vedro
    import vedro_telemetry

    class Config(vedro.Config):
    class Plugins(vedro.Config.Plugins):
    class VedroTelemetry(vedro_telemetry.VedroTelemetry):
    enabled = True
    api_url = "http://localhost:8080"
    project_id = "my-project"

    Replace http://localhost:8080 with the URL of your self-hosted telemetry server, and my-project with your project's unique identifier. The project_id is used to distinguish data from different projects in your dashboards.


Once the plugin is installed and configured, it will automatically start collecting telemetry data during your Vedro test runs.

Run your Vedro tests as usual:

$ vedro run

At the end of the test session, the collected telemetry data will be sent to the specified API endpoint.


Examples of the data that will be sent are available here


You can customize the vedro-telemetry plugin in your file:

import vedro
import vedro_telemetry

class Config(vedro.Config):
class Plugins(vedro.Config.Plugins):
class VedroTelemetry(vedro_telemetry.VedroTelemetry):
api_url = ""
project_id = "my-unique-project-id"
timeout = 10.0
raise_exception_on_failure = False
  • api_url (str):
    Specifies the URL of your self-hosted telemetry server where the telemetry data will be sent. The default value is "http://localhost:8080". Replace it with your telemetry server's URL.

  • project_id (str or None):
    A unique identifier for your project used to distinguish data from different projects in your dashboards. If not specified, the plugin attempts to automatically determine the project name by searching for a .git directory in the project’s root folder. It's recommended to set this explicitly.

  • timeout (float):
    Defines the timeout duration (in seconds) for sending telemetry data to the server. The default is 5.0. Adjust this value if you experience timeouts.

  • raise_exception_on_failure (bool):
    Determines whether the plugin should raise an exception if it fails to send telemetry data. The default is True. Set it to False to suppress exceptions and print error messages to stderr instead.